Sunday, February 9, 2014

Contemporary Fairy Tales

Student creates a photographic series of 6 - 18 X 24 inkjet prints as part of her high school senior photography portfolio (2010. The images are examples of her own experiences and interpretation of popular childhood fairy tales. This project took approximately 8 weeks to plan, execute, and print. She is currently a student at Savannah College of Art & Design where she is majoring in photography with a minor in printmaking.

Self Portrait by the Artist:

Liza's Corset

Received this the other day: decided to post project.

Because of "The Darkroom Diaries" once again I am able to give support to a former student.  This was created during a Photography II class in 2010 by a student who was interested in fashion. She wanted to use images taken by herself as well as images from pop culture. The prints were sewn together by hand and by machine then enhanced with ribbon as trim. This pieced received an award in the Scholastic Art & Writing Competition.

Hi Ms. Brock! I hope all is well and that everything in Texas is great! I miss you so much! I have a question, I was wondering if you still had those photos you took of my paper mache corset that we submitted to scholastic art competition? I am trying to apply to help at this runway show on FSU's campus and they want pictures of past work!